Posted at 12:31h
ISMEO presenta il quinto seminario di Oriental Music Conversations
5 novembre 2021, ore 17.00
Rachel Harris
(Professor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)
Soundscapes of Uyghur Islam
Rachel Harris’s research is based on fieldwork across borders, working with Turkic Muslim Uyghur communities living in China and Central Asia. In this talk she explores how attention to sound can contribute to our understanding of religious faith and political power. How do new religious ideas and feelings circulate within society, and how do people listen to, embody, and reproduce them? Her research encompasses village women’s ritual practices, digital ethnography of mediated spheres of religious life, oral traditions of Central Asian Sufism, transnational flows of Qur’anic recitation and radical anashid. In the fraught sphere of discourse surrounding Islamic revivals, where dominant narratives privilege the visual in ways...