East and West
ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies
ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies
East and West (New Series) resumes its publications, after almost a decade of silence, with this first issue of the 2020 Volume. This is exactly seventy years after Giuseppe Tucci, in his quality of President of IsMEO, began, with his Foreword contained in the first pages of the first issue of East and West 1 (1950), his dialogue between East and West.
ISSN 0012-8376
S. Aliyari Babolghani, A Short Note on the So-called Conjugation IIm in Achaemenid Elamite
M.C. Benvenuto, Notes on the Bactrian Personal Name Σανδο
H. Bichlmeier, Reduplicated Forms in Josef Karst’s Dictionary of Middle Armenian (Mittelarmenisches Wörterbuch)
P. Cotticelli-Kurras, Tränen und Gefühle in Ritualen und Dichtung in der klassischen Antike und bei den Hethitern
E. Filippone, Paratactic and Hypotactic Strategies in the Discourse Organization of the Multilingual Achaemenid Texts
M. Mancini, On the term βίσταξ in a gloss by Hesychius
F. Pompeo, Who are They Rebelling against? The Constructions of hamiçiya- bav- in the Achaemenid Royal Texts
A.V. Rossi, Rüdiger Schmitt and Achaemenid Iran
R. Khan, Archaeology of the Periphery. The Malakand Agency, the ‘Politicals’ and Antiquarian Scholarship
G. Cestaro, The Seminal Influence of Liang Sicheng on Heritage Conservation Practice in China
Book reviews
List of contributors
Introductory Note by L.M. Olivieri
M. Rossi, Anthropoid Sarcophagi in Mesopotamia and Persia
L. Colliva, S. Mancini, S.M. Sameen, Gawr Tepe, A New MiSAK Project in Iraqi Kurdistan
M. Vidale, G. Sidoti, What a balafré is Made of
E. Iori, The Ceramic Sequence of the Citadel (Barama) of Mengjieli/Massaga: the Capital City of Uḍḍiyāna
Z. Khan, S. Maqsood Ahmad, Narrative of an Attack on the British Garrison of Doaba (Former Mohmand Agency). A Note from the Persian Manuscript of Durr-i-Maqāl
M.A. Polichetti, Notes on the Logical Presuppositions of Rebirth
F. De Romanis, The Business of Demetrius the Arabarch and the Roman Coins from India
T. Gnoli, Palmyra and the Red Sea: La Venise des sables Thirty Years Later
Philippe Gignoux (1931-2023)
Silvio Vita (1954-2023)
ISMEO Activities, 2023
List of contributors
Sciacca, Giuseppe Tucci and Luigi Federzoni. Unpublished Correspondence (1939-1943)
L.M. Olivieri, Physical Repatriation: Tucci, the Gilgit Manuscripts, and the Beginning of IsMEO Archaeological Work in Swat
Nicolini, Reconstructing the Archaeological Landscape of Shellal in the Region of the First Nile Cataract
Dan, B. Khanmohammadi, Protecting the Southern Border and the Road to Muṣaṣir with “Ḫaldi’s Garrison:” Qalatgah, an Urartian and Achaemenid Period Archaeological Complex in the Lake Orumiyeh Basin, Iran
Minardi, Of Crowns and Diadems: New Pictorial Evidence from Akchakhan-kala
Zin, Vidūṣaka’s Cousins: Comic Theatre Characters on Both Sides of the Erythraean Sea
Greco, Pelasgians of the East. The Gusuku of Okinawa
List of Contributors
R. Dan, D. Salaris, A Study of Protohistoric and Historical Settlement Patterns in the Qara Żīāʾ-al-Dīn Plain, Iran
L. Colliva, S.M. Sameen, D. Andreucci, V. Castignani, Study and Enhancement of the Archaeological Site of Sarqala (KRG, Iraq) and Its Parthian Tomb: a New Project of MiSAK, the Italian Historical-Archaeological Mission in Kurdistan of ISMEO and IICK. The Report of the 2021 Preliminary Mission
L.M. Olivieri, E. Iori, M. Minardi, E. Lant, A. Samad, M. Vidale, Barikot, Swat: Excavation Campaign 2021-2022, Preliminary Report. Trenches BKG 16, BKG 17, and BKG 18
E. Shavarebi, The Mosque of the Forgotten City: The Bilingual Inscription of Zalamkot Revisited
C. Pieruccini, Gardens in Classical Sanskrit Court Plays
Bert Fragner (1941-2021)
Gérard Fussman (1940-2022)
Michael Jansen (1947-2022)
List of Contributors
T. Gnoli, The Sources on the Oriental Expeditions of Aurelian
S. Ferdinandi, The Archaeological Mission of Aruch/Արուճ and the Incastellamento of the Silk Road: Preliminary Remarks
M.C. Trémouille, R. Dan, Some Remarks on Changes in the Water Level of Lake Van, Turkey: an Evaluation of the Cartographical and Archaeological Evidence
D.T. Potts, G.P. Basello, The “Black Stone of Susa”: a Lost kudurru, an Unpublished Drawing and a Line of Middle Elamite Copied in the 1820s
Álvarez-Pedrosa, The Avroman Parchments and the Use of Greek in the Parthian Empire
B. González Saavedra, A Linguistic Study of the Greek Parchments of Avroman
A.Provenzali, An Inscribed nāgadanta from Butkara I and Related Questions
Antonio Invernizzi (Turin, 1 January 1941 - 2 December 2021)
K. Tawfik, The simsimiyya Lyre from the Suez Canal: Craftsmanship and Identities
K.D. Williams, N.S. Al-Jahwari, K.A. Douglas, Preliminary Analyses of the BronzeAge and Post-Bronze Age Mortuary Monuments at the Dahwa sites, North Batinah Coast, Sultanate of Oman
P. Callieri, A. Askari Chaverdi, A. Eghra‘, D.M. Mezzapelle, K. Mohammadkhani, The Dynamics of Human Settlement in Historical Times in South-Central Fars, from Firuzabad to the Persian Gulf: First Preliminary Results of a New Research Project
M.Vidale, G. Salemi, E. Faresin, 3D Digital Modelling of a Jiroft Carved ChloritePot. An Experiment of Archaeological Visualizing
G. Vignato, The Reappearance of the Buddha. A Preliminary Study on the LostClay Statues in the Caves of Kucha
A. Rigopoulos, Connections and Correspondences in the Hagiographies of ShirdiSai Baba’s and Sathya Sai Baba’s Origins
F. Lunardo, M. Clemente, Mi la ras pa’s Representation in Mang yul Gung thangXylographs: Preliminary Remarks on the Stylistic Changes of “the LaughingVajra”
G. Tabacco, Resistance and Class Elitism in Minerals Extraction in Resource-rich Aceh, Indonesia
A.S. Bonfanti, R. Dan, From Phrygia to Urartu. The Phrygian Belts Discovered in Toprakkale/Rusaḫinili Qilbani=kai and the Relations between Urartu and Phrygia
N. Eskandari, K.A. Niknami, M. Vidale, The Bronze Age Center of Shahdad, South-East Iran: “Hollow” vs. Nucleated Early Urban Processes
G.L. Bonora, G.R. Osmida (†), A.Cengia, A General Overview of the Oxus Civil-ization Graveyard of Adji Kui in Margiana (South Turkmenistan)
L.M. Olivieri, F. Sinisi, The Stele and the Other Statues. A Stone Puzzle from Surkh Kotal
M.P. Joshi, V. Bahuguna, P.S. Rawat, H. Chauhan, M.M. Joshi, V.P. Rawat, Lord of Kedara: A Unique Sculpture from Uttarakhand Himalaya
F. Scialpi, Mahatma Gandhi, an Inspiration for a New Humanitarian Society
M.A. Polichetti, Notes on The Last Judgement, an Annamite Painting of Christian Inspiration (18th Century) Conserved in the Vatican Museums
L. Declich, Emilio Dubbiosi and the Fondo Dubbiosi
O. Nalesini, Concetto Guttuso: a Brief Remembrance
S. Morra, Rethinking mālūf, Arab Andalusian Music in Tunisia
G. Banti, Some Further Remarks on the Old Harari Kitāb alfarāyid
N. Mahzounzadeh, E. Bortolini, Beyond Shape: a New Perspective on the Classification of Arrowheads from the Historical Pre-Islamic Period in Iran
B. Genito, The State/Imperial Political Formation of the Achaemenid Dynasty, an Archaeological Question
C.G. Cereti, MAIKI Activities on the Paikuli Monument and Its Surroundings
E. Matin, The Achaemenid Settlement of Dashtestan (Borazjan): A View from Persepolis
O. Nalesini, Old Tibetan , Burmese and Old Mon
Foreword by Adriano V. Rossi
G. Gnoli, More on the “Traditional Date of Zoroaster:” the Arsacid Era and Other Topics
S. Ferdinandi, Mons Thabor: status questiones
A. Taddei, The Skeuophylakion of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople: Events of the Fourth to Sixth Centuries CE
F. Desset, M. Vidale, N. Eskandari, K. Caulfield, Distaffs and “Temple” in Early Bronze Age Iran
A. Askari Chaverdi, P. Callieri, Tol-e Ajori and Takht-e Jamshid: a Sequence of Imperial Projects in the Persepolis Area
A. Filigenzi, A Space of Mobility: the Interregional Dynamics of Buddhist Artistic Production as Reflected in Archaeological Evidence
Elena Bashir (University of Chicago), Pierfrancesco Callieri (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna), Franco Cardini (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), Riccardo Contini (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), Michel Fournié (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales), Bert Fragner (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Claudio Lo Jacono (Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino), Marco Mancini (Sapienza University of Rome), Luca Maria Olivieri (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Simonetta Ponchia (University of Verona), Adriano Rossi (ISMEO) (chairman), Maurizio Scarpari (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Fabio Scialpi (Sapienza University of Rome), Miriam T. Stark (University of Hawai’i - Mānoa), Silvia Vignato (University of Milan - Bicocca)
Giorgio Banti (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), Pia Brancaccio (Drexel University), Giuseppe Buffon (Pontificia Università Antonianum), Franco Crevatin (University of Trieste), Andrea Manzo (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), Cristina Scherrer-Schaub (École pratique des Hautes Études), Daniel Septfonds (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales)
Marco Baldi, Luca Maria Olivieri (senior editor), Priscilla Vitolo
East and West adopts the double-blind peer review procedure and the code of ethics is based on COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) ethical principles. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce materials subjected to copyright.