23 Apr Conferenze 2022 – “Semi-Precious Stone Beads from Tha Kae: Morphological and Technological Aspects”, Wannaporn Rienjang – 28th April 2022
Missioni Archeologiche e Progetti di Ricerca Conferenze 2022 Wannaporn Rienjang Semi-Precious Stone Beads from Tha Kae: Morphological and Technological Aspects Thursday, April 28th 4 PM (UTC +2) The joint Italian-Thai “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project” has carried out archaeological excavations in the pre-protohistoric site at Tha Kae (Lopburi province of Central Thailand) in the 80s-90s of the last century. Recurrent funerary items discovered in the late Iron Age (c. 0-400 CE) graveyard, included body ornaments made of various semi-precious stones, such as carnelian and agate beads, also popular in the Indian Subcontinent, and beads of ‘green stones’ (such as nephrite or serpentine) comparable to the ones common in the coastal regions of Southeast Asia, South China, and Taiwan. The ongoing archaeometric investigations by Dr. Rienjang -in the frame of a Memorandum of Understanding between ISMEO and the Thammasat...