Seminario “Oriental Music Conversations” – Simone Tarsitani – 29 marzo 2022

29 marzo 2022 - Ore 17.00

Seminario “Oriental Music Conversations” – Simone Tarsitani – 29 marzo 2022


ISMEO presenta il quinto seminario di Oriental Music Conversations

29 marzo 2022 – Ore 17.00


Simone Tarsitani

(Researcher, Technical Manager at Department of Music, Durham University)


Mawlūd Ritual Tradition in Harar, Ethiopia




Nabi Mawlid in the Islamic calendar is the birthday of the Prophet. Its celebration started around the 13th century and, despite the large theoretical debate surrounding the practice, Mawlid festivals have continued in most Muslim communities throughout history. Furthermore, many texts have been written to celebrate the Prophet’s figure, which over time contributed to the development of Mawlid into a poetic genre. Likewise, in Harar there exist several old manuscripts with collections of Mawlūd (Harari for Mawlid) texts dating from at least the 19th century, in addition to the more recent printed editions. The ritual activities surrounding the reading of these written texts developed into peculiar forms, which also honour some local saints and are used to celebrate Islamic feasts and weddings. This seminar presents audiovisual documentation collected between 2003 and 2012, illustrating Mawlūd contemporary ritual tradition in the city and beyond. 




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